21 Jan Odylia to Host an Update on the RPGRIP1 Gene Therapy Program and Plans for 2022, Feb 3rd
Posted at 13:44h
in Press Releases
Join us to learn about plans for the RPGRIP1 Gene Therapy Program in 2022.
Several key milestones for the RPGRIP1 Program were achieved in 2021. Odylia Therapeutics will present a summary of these benchmarks and what it means for the program. We’ll also discuss the plans for 2022 including milestones, timelines, and the resources needed. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested or with your social media networks.
Meeting details:
Thursday, February 3, 2022
12:00pm – 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)
Follow the link to receive zoom details for the meeting: https://odyliatherapeutics.salsalabs.org/rpgrip1feb22zoom/index.html