Our Mission

Eric Pierce MD PhD and Jason Comander MD PhD and Rachel Huckfeldt MD PhD in an eye exam room all in discussion


Accelerating therapeutic development for rare disease


At Odylia, we are prioritizing a future where drugs are developed for every rare disease based on safety, efficacy, and the available technology, regardless of commercial viability.

Changing lives one rare disease at time

Odylia utilizes a unique, nonprofit business model to accelerate the development of gene therapies for people with rare disease, changing the way treatments are brought from the lab to the clinic. Our ultimate goal is to bring life changing treatments to people with genetic disease regardless of prevalence or commercial interest

Odylia accelerates therapeutic development for rare diseases, through our pipeline or yours. We do this in two primary ways. We have gene therapies currently in development within Odylia’s internal pipeline, and we also bring this expertise to the rare disease community at large through our external or partner pipeline. Whether you are a patient group, an individual family, an academic researcher, or industry, we can partner with you and your rare disease program to accelerate your therapeutic efforts. For Odylia, shortening timelines or increasing the success rates of drugs in development for rare diseases is a direct measure of our impact. We call this our external pipeline, or partner pipeline.  Reach out to learn how we can partner with your organization.


Odylia challenges the traditional approach to drug development through the following areas of focus:

Lower cost of development

Lower licensing fees to decrease development costs and ensure continued commitment to program success

Increase speed of development

Challenge traditional approaches through regulatory engagement

Streamline development through strategic partnerships and a platform approach to drug development

Enable the broader ecosystem

Provide expertise through in-house Brydge Solutions and leveraging the Odylia Board and network of advisors

Enable the broader ecosystem through Initiatives that impact the broader field including The Odylia Library and The Odylia Collective

Questions? We’re here to help!