Get Involved

Odylia’s focus begins and ends with patients. We are committed to changing the future for patients and families affected by rare disease around the world. YOU can help bring promising treatments to patients.

You can make a difference

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Odylia offers a unique opportunity for funders and supporters to join us in bringing promising new treatments to people living with rare genetic diseases. Your support will help Odylia identify and develop treatments, ensure they are safe, and navigate clinical trials and regulatory requirements to position promising therapies for approval. Support from individuals, corporations, and foundations is vital to overcoming the challenges that are keeping many people living with rare diseases from accessing safe and effective treatment options.

Change for a Cure- Turn currency into donations

Turn loose change into treatments for rare diseases. Millions of dollars of foreign currency is stored in homes across the US and the World – currency with no value where it sits. Our program Change for a Cure turns foreign coins and cash into donations for Odylia. If you have loose change lying around from a trip abroad, consider sending it to Odylia, to be turned into a donation to further our mission.

Raise Awareness through the Odylia Bonfire Store

There are more than 10,000 known rare diseases that affect more than 400 million people worldwide, but only about 6% have approved treatments. Odylia Therapeutics is changing those numbers by accelerating the development of treatments for people with rare diseases. The scientific knowledge and technologies required to treat many genetic causes of disease already exist. However, with a focus on profits, the commercial model used to develop medicine means there is no hope on the horizon for many rare disease patients.

Support Odylia while raising awareness about rare diseases!

Start a Fundraiser

Together, we can change the way treatments are brought to patients. Without commercial interest, treatments for rare diseases like RPGRIP1 and USH1C might not be developed. Efforts from community members like you will help us raise the much needed funds to manufacture treatments. Please consider starting a fundraiser to support our mission.

Looking for community fundraising ideas?

List of Restuarants that hold community fundraisers

Fundraiser Page Set up at EveryDotOrg

Stay Informed

Odylia Therapeutics sends out newsletters twice a year with updates about current and pending projects and treatments. Occasionally, notifications are sent about webinars or other pertinent news. Sign up to receive some or all of our communications.

Interested in volunteering?

We are always looking for volunteers to help further our efforts. We update our needs often, so come back and visit this page to see new posts. If you have a specialized skill set that you think can help please follow the link below.

We are currently looking for support in these specific areas:

  • Regulatory affairs
  • Graphic design and social media engagement
  • Medical writing
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As an independent nonprofit organization, Odylia is proud to have earned the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency, indicating that we share quantitative metrics on the progress we are making toward our mission and the highest levels of transparency in our operations.