Change for a Cure

Turn Currency into Donations

Foreign currency travels the world, you might have some coins laying around your home from a trip to another country. Those coins have no value in your home country but they can make a big impact for Odylia!

Our partner, Global Coin Solutions, takes foreign currency and repatriates it, turning it from valueless currency to donations for Odylia. Did you know that foreign coins move differently than foreign bank notes. Unlike a lot of different bank notes, foreign coins have no currency exchange market to move it back “home”. Foreign coins end up being “stuck” where they are and have no value.

It is simple and easy to help Odylia AND clean out your junk drawer. Collect any foreign coins or bills you have. Put them in an envelope or box, making sure to wrap them in tissue paper or bubble wrap to keep the coins from moving too much, and then mail them to Odylia using THIS LABEL. Our partner will take those coins and will return 70% of the value to Odylia. Send us an email at so we can track arrival of the envelope or package.


Mail currency package/envelopes: 830 Glenwood Ave, Suite 510-323, Atlanta GA, USA 30316


Consider this:

Foreign currency fundraising is the only activity that results in foreign coins returning to their home country. Without foreign currency fundraising, virtually every coin that leaves its “home” country would never return. That’s a lot of coins minted and put into circulation that can no longer be used. Think about that the next time you look at the souvenirs you brought home from your last vacation.

By donating them, you aren’t just helping Odylia, you are helping in the re-circulation of foreign coins and reducing the number of coins needing to be made in the future!

Questions? Contact us at

Change for a cure: Do you have foreign coins lying around after your trip abroad? Send them to us we'll turn them into cures for rare diseases.

Questions? We’re here to help!