Odylia’s focus starts and ends with patients. We are committed to changing the future for families affected by rare disease around the world. YOU can help bring promising treatments to patients.
More than 400 million people worldwide live with a rare disease, and nearly 50% of rare disease patients are children. Many face a lifetime of health and personal challenges – pain, loss of physical or mental abilities, and limited access to care, usually with no available treatments. With a focus on maximizing profits, the commercial model used to develop drugs means that there is no hope on the horizon for many of these patients.
Odylia Therapeutics is a nonprofit organization working in a traditionally profit-driven space. Odylia develops genetic-targeting treatments for rare diseases using a highly focused and nimble approach. Our two core services, Odylia’s Gene Therapy Pipeline and Brydge Solutions work hand-in-hand to move treatments from an early research phase to clinical trials. We are challenging the traditional for-profit approach to drug development, bringing together the communities that will advance drug development programs more efficiently and with aligned interests. By leveraging the strengths of patient advocates, industry partners, and academic research centers, we reduce barriers and streamline drug development. We know that the technologies to treat the genetic causes of many rare diseases are available right now. The Odylia nonprofit drug development model can make it possible for these therapeutics to reach patients.