Brydge Solutions

Teaming up to accelerate therapeutic development for rare disease

Drug development for rare diseases is often led by patients and their families. The rare disease community spends countless hours and dollars searching for and funding treatments to mitigate the effects of their rare disease. All too often, a lack of expertise can result in years of wasted money and time.

Through Brydge Solutions partnerships, Odylia reduces inefficiencies commonly found on the path from early discovery to clinical trials.  With years of expertise in rare disease research, drug development, and program management, Odylia empowers Brydge Solutions program partners and provides the resources to help groups maintain momentum and control over their interests.

We leverage our internal scientific and drug development expertise to provide the following services at a reduced rate to patient groups, while we also partner with industry and VC groups:

  • Science Team (annual or month-to-month)
  • Strategic Brief (short report)
  • Landscape Analysis (report-based)
  • Portfolio Management (annual or month-to-month)
  • Strategy Evaluation (report-based)


Brydge Solutions Downloadable Overview

Follow the link to learn more about our report-based services through The Odylia Library.

Are you a rare disease patient group looking to hire a part-time CSO or Director of Research?

Frustrated by timelines or timely access to scientific expertise? Odylia recognizes the growing need for Patient Groups to expand their bandwidth and capacity. Through Odylia’s Brydge Solutions services we can build a team to address your organization’s needs by leveraging our internal scientific and operational expertise. We have helped Patient Groups accelerate drug development timelines, mitigate risks, save money, make critical research tools available to their research communities, build their networks, and optimize investments in research. Through timely and consistent touch-points and rapid execution we can advise and directly manage your portfolio. Lean on your Odylia Brydge Team to enhance organizational structure and enhance communication and increase efficiencies in the research communities you are investing. We can help you build momentum for your drug development programs through a flexible partnership that meets the needs of your organization and provides a stable and knowledgeable resource.

By saving time, money, and, most importantly, improving the success rate of therapeutic development, we strive to make drug development work for patients, not for profits. Odylia tailors solutions to meet each group’s needs. These partnerships range in scope from deliverable-based landscape analyses to long-term, ongoing scientific guidance and portfolio management. We partner with patient groups or families and rare disease companies at all stages in their drug development journey.

Partner Testimonials

Past & Present Partners

CLOVES Syndrome Community


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