Other Resources

Illustrated icon of a microscope

There are many resources available for relevant science, clinical trials, patient advocacy and general information in our field.  There are also many pertinent foundation sites that could provide valuable contacts and information.  Peruse our Other Resources links for these sites.

Foundation Fighting Blindness
Choroideremia Research Foundation
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Trials

Curing Retinal Blindness

A Shared Vision

Retina International

American Council of the Blind (ACB)

Fighting Blindness

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Massachusetts Eye and Ear

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Sofia Sees Hope

Lighthouse Guild

Usher 2020 Foundation

RDH12 Fund for Sight

Usher Syndrome Coalition

Foundation Fighting Blindness Canada

WonderBaby Blog

Genetics Home Reference

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